Wednesday, June 30, 2021: Let’s Get Quizzical!

Today’s overheard conversations give me the opportunity to try a different format today; instead of me telling you the mistake, let’s have a little quiz and see if you can spot it!

Answers are after the image.

Question 1:

AP was doing a live video and mentioned the word “cyclical” several times. How did she pronounce it?

  1. C-ih-clical
  2. C-eye-clical
  3. C-eye-cl-eye-cal

Question 2:

At lunch, SZ talked about a rather violent TV shows he enjoys. What did he call it?

  1. V-ick-ings
  2. V-ack-ings
  3. Vikings

Question 3:

Following a few people on another floor coming into contact with a Covid-positive person, the decision was made that unvaccinated people should be sent home while the vaccinated should continue coming to the office. (So much for the vaccinations coming with perks.) How are words with two Cs pronounced?

  1. Va-ss-inated
  2. Va-x-inated
  3. Va-ck-inated
Teaching Pronunciation - Language Teaching Professionals | Language  Teaching Professionals

Question 1:

2 mostly, though I also heard 3 a couple of times. 1 is of course the correct way to pronounce it, but I can see why she could think 2 and 3 are right.

Question 2:

Did you guess 1? It was 1! (3 is the right one, obviously.)

Question 3:

If you said 2, you’re of course right. However, the reason I include it on the blog is because the speaker said 3. In her defence, it really should be 3…

How did you do? What do you think is the best way to say these words?
