Tuesday, 22 June, 2021: To Volunteer or Not to Volunteer

The Hunger Games (2012) - IMDb
If the picture successfully lured you here under false pretences, I apologize. (If it helps, I have read the books and seen the films?)

As quickly as the government decided all employees could go back to the office as long as distancing was observed, we all found ourselves back in the office. (Spoiler alert: That was not the end of the Covid-related shenanigans.)

Almost everyone found themselves at a new desk, but while other departments moved to entirely different floors, we moved from one side of the hallway to the other. The major difference was that my department melded with another – another that consists of just two people, who previously had an office to themselves because they do live videos and need to not be interrupted. (And because it’s not fair for one person to expect six other colleagues to keep completely silent.)

Today I wander off to the kitchen while a video is happening, and when I come back I find AK hanging around outside the office door. Always ready with awkward British jokes, I naturally ask if he’s been banished.

“No,” he says.  “I came out volunteerily.”
