Wednesday, June 16, 2021: A Heart By Any Other Name

No one would ever accuse me of being a fashionable person. Not only do I pay zero attention to the latest styles, I rarely stray from plain colours, unless the pattern is just simple dots or stripes.

Today is one of those days I break that rule and opt for a recent purchase, a white shirt with a heart pattern. Like the featured image, except I don’t own any trousers that aren’t black or navy.

This inspires a number of interactions…

  1. CK says that I’m full of love and I must have been thinking of her when I bought it. We both know I wasn’t, but actually saying it is part of our act.*
  2. During the late afternoon period when we tend to get restless and wander from our desks for conversations elsewhere, KH mentions that from a distance she thought the pattern was bulkan dots.** It took me longer than I care to admit for me to realize that that wasn’t some fashion forward term I’d never heard of… awkward…
  3. Finally, another colleague comments that my shirt has hurts. (No, I didn’t correct her. It sounded cute.)


* Ah, CK. My favourite colleague. Also the one I have a whole love/hate thing going on with, who in an alternate universe I might be dating by now if she wasn’t (a) the wrong gender and (b) taken. At least it’s a bit of office fun, and amuses our other colleagues.

** Did you get it? She meant polka dots.
